
Lynn M. Darling

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President/Dean Inherits Half-Merged College

Since Radcliffe's inception in 1879, most women there have encountered the same dilemma--thinking of themselves as being part of Harvard

Ti-Grace Atkinson Calls Feminists 'Jackals'

Radical feminist Ti-Grace Atkinson blasted the women's movement last night as she spoke to a crowd of about 500 people

R. Buckminster Fuller Is a Verb

R. Buckminister Fuller, technological visionary of "Spaceship Earth," spoke to a capacity crowd in the grand ballroom of the Boston

Quincy Reverses Decision, Will Send Students to CRR; Women Ineligible to Run

Students in Quincy House voted Thursday to send a representative to the Committee on Rights and Responsibilities (CRR), reversing a

The Village Moving Through Here

235 pages; $5.95. MEMORIES, especially memories within a political or cultural movement, have always been exploitable commodities. When swathed in

Books Mr. Jiveass Nigger

BEFORE you start reading this book, take a good look at the cover. There's nothing there but a white background

Plays Murder in the Cathedral

At Emmanuel Church through April 1 THERE are many ways of filling up the days here. We have our classes,

From the Shelf The Harvard Advocate Volume C III, Number 4 February, 1970, 75c

THERE is a scene in the James Dean movie, "Rebel Without A Cause," in which the hero and his leather-jacketed,

From the Shelf Yellow Back Radio Broke-Down

Doubleday: 177 pp.; $4.95; paperback $1.95 THE LOOP GAROO KID says a novel can be anything it wants to be:

From the Shelf Whole Earth Catalog available from the Portola Institute, Inc., 1115 Merrill St., Menlo Park, Calif.: $8.00 p

A LOT OF PEOPLE are talking about the Underground these days. It seems that once you've put a name to