
Arnold E. Franklin

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Coffee House to be Held In Old Leverett Library

Unsatisfied with the specturm of talent Harvard's a capella singing groups and performance bands have drawn in recent years, two

Business School Admits Four Soviets to Program

Last year 38-year old Joseph Bakaleynick was a bureaucrat helping to run the Soviet Union's planned economy as an official

Two Student Groups Earn Money for AIDS

The Harvard Krokodiloes and the AIDS Education Outreach (AEO) made several thousand dollars for AIDS-related charities this weekend, according to

Leverett Buys New Painting

Art critics run amok in the Leverett House dining hall these days. The object of their conversations is a new

Students Say Exams Should Come Earlier

Suggesting a move that would drastically alter the shape of Harvard's calendar and break with a 350-year-old tradition, two sophomores

Contamination Found in Water

Nineteen months after finding excessive levels of contaminants in the city's drinking water, Cambridge officials formally informed residents of their

Granola and Herbs, Hold the Bell Towers

At first glance, the large Victorian house on Sacramento St. looks like a typical Cambridge residence, but something about it