
J. W. Stillman

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Seize the Weekend

Worn down by the relentless daily grind of hour exams and Sesame Street, angst-ridden undergraduates put in their 12 minute

Conservationists Ask Veto of Harvard Plan For Low-Rent Housing

The Harvard-sponsored Blair Pond housing project faces a crucial test this week when the state Natural Resources Department decides whether

Three Brighton Murder Suspects Escape Capture

William Gilday and two other suspects in the machine-gun slaying of Boston Patrolman Walter K. Schroeder in a bank hold-up

Strike Hits 166 Colleges; Administrators Close B.U.

Boston University administrators voted yesterday to cancel exams, and commencement and to send all students home as the national university

Guard Kills 4 at Kent; Strike Sweeps Nation

Ohio National Guardsmen opened fire yesterday on fleeing anti-war demonstrators at Kent State University in Kent, Ohio, killing four and

Students Strike Nationally Against War in Cambodia

Protests against the U. S. invasion of Cambodia grew this weekend, as editors of 15 college newspapers endorsed an editorial

Books RFK, 1964-68

Doubleday; 388 pages; $7.95 THOSE PEOPLE who pride themselves on owning the complete set of Kennedy biographies might buy On

Ecology Activists Protest Building Of Boy's Center In Ringer Park

Ecology activists and Allston residents will attempt to block builders from entering Allston's Ringer Park this morning to begin construction

Faculty to Vote Today On Rights Resolution And Four Amendments

The Faculty will vote on the Resolution on Rights and Responsibilities and at least four proposed amendments in a special

Poll Reveals Conservative Core in Freshman Class

(This is the second in a two-part feature.) IS THE Admissions Committee playing polities? The first class admitted to Harvard