
Lois E. Nesbitt

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D ADA WAS NOT just another art movement, and its products resist being treated as art objects. In displaying Dada

Needs of the People

H ENRY N. COBB, the new chairman of the Architecture Department of the Graduate School of Design, is not just

Unlocking the Tower

I N THE END, society will do us in. Like lemmings heading for the sea, we march in mute senselessness

Trompe L'Oeil

W ITH THE installation of Mary Miss's Mirror Way, the Fogg makes one of its all-too-infrequent ventures into the realm

It's Environmental

I F HARVARD STUDENTS can be considered a fair sampling of the art public, it's going to be a while

Art Goes Under

I MAGINE walking into a subway station to the tune of a chiming windmill, descending an escalator plastered with rumpled

A Tortured Tradition

A S A RULE in art exhibits, the more artists and styles crammed into a show, the less possible it

Seizing the Public

C ARL ANDRE IS DOOMED to a life of explaining exactly what his sculpture is not. His bold experiments in