
Jeremy W. Heist

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A Young Poet

Poetry, friends, can be a boon companion, can lead us beside the still waters, can wrap us in its colors

The Harvard Advocate

The Advocate has hit the jackpot. For some years now it has solicited nationally, and has seldom produced an issue

The Lion Rampant

That rare beast, the house literary magazine, has come yawning with some grace from its cave. Two stories, eight poems,

La Fuga

Hitchcock's phrase "photographs of people talking" should be hammered into the popular vocabulary. It defines an astoundingly large proportion of


Graceless, monotonous, unfaithful to its source, Hamlet is less tragedy than catastrophe in the hands of Grigory Kozintzev. This is

The Gospel According to St. Matthew

The Gospel According to St. Matthew has been extravagantly hailed as the best film ever made about Christ, possibly one

OK, Fans--Another R'n'R Quiz

We were disheartened, dismayed, even shocked that no one was able to answer all the questions in our rock and

Viva Maria!

Viva Maria! looks like a Hollywood comic western, the sort the studios describe as "rollicking round-ups," or "madcap hi-jinx with

The Heroes of Telemark

Hollywood has always been technically expert. It has found the rare director worthy of its resources in Anthony Mann; whose