
Adam L. Berger

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The Law, Race Relations, and All That Jazz

J AZZ SAXOPHONISTS can often size one another up by the age of their instruments. An old and weathered sax

No Cure Yet, But Success at an Early Stage

Using tools no more complicated than a microscope, a calculator and some common sense, cancer researchers at Harvard Medical School

Eyeing the New Russia

I T'S too bad devoted Communists have no room for religion, because Mikhail Gorbachev and the rest of his party

Researchers Question Power of `Wonder Drug'

After nearly a decade of intense study, researchers at Harvard Medical School are beginning to understand how beta carotene, the

Grading Silber and the Media

T HE people voted, but the press pulled the strings. If not for the fiendish manipulation of the partisans at

A Long Trip Downhill

A T A GARISH REPUBLICAN FUNDRAISER luncheon a couple of weeks after the primaries, U.S. Senate hopeful Jim Rappaport was

Despite Prodding, a Volcanic Silber Fails to Erupt

In the nine months since John R. Silber announced his candidacy for gorvernor of Massachusetts, he has gained a reputation

Republican Leaders Urge Unity

BOSTON--Speaking at a $1000 per plate Republican fundraiser at the Westin Hotel, Secretary of Transportation Elizabeth H. Dole yesterday urged

Experts Divided on Education Proposal

Drawing on widespread dissatisfation with the declining standards of American schools, Republican senatorial hopeful James W. Rappaport has been pitching

Running in the Political Fall Classic

With the summer finally over, very little is clear about the two contests Bostonians care about most: the campaign for