
John A. Rice

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The Glass Menagerie

It is a tribute to Michael Murray and the Charles Playhouse company that they have attracted an actress as uncommonly

'World of Music': Mostly Trivia

G. Wallace Woodworth, James Edward Ditson Professor of Music, has managed to include some sound suggestions for raising the status

Lobbyists Press for Civil Rights Bill

WASHINGTON, Oct. 21--An important scoop on the civil rights bill was among the unexpected rewards picked up by the eight

Two Conservatives Meet in Debate On Desirability of World Federation

Two panelists, both self-styled conservatives, made a heroic effort last night to disagree on the issue of world federalism. But

Vladimir Horowitz Plays Liszt

An Angel re-recording of Liszt's sonata in B minor (COLH 72), carried out by the unbelievably agile fingers and arms

Researchers Discard 'Stereotypes' In Studying House differences

The stale question of "house stereotypes" is being pushed to the background this year, in a fresh research project aimed

Minister Criticizes CRIME Editorials

R. Jerrold Gibson '51, Acting Minister of Memorial Church, used his sermon yesterday morning to criticize the recent series of

Marcel Delivers First James Lecture

Gabriel Marcel, who has remained among the foremost of French existentialists for nearly half a century, said in his first

PBH Withdraws Support From Philosophy Clubs

Phillips Brooks House has refused to continue supporting the Philosophy Club's Program of discussions among high school students because of