
Eric S. Solowey

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Admissions Inquiry Winds Down

The Education Department is on the verge of handing down the results of its two-year investigation into whether Harvard illegally

Does High School Prepare for Harvard?

Dissatisfied with the high school preparation of some Harvard students, professors are being forced to reconsider the proper role of

Faculty to Examine Student Preparation

In response to concerns that incoming students have received insufficent academic preparation from their high schools, the Core Committee will

Congress Modifies Bill On Alcohol at Colleges

Easing its assault on underage drinking on college campuses, the Senate agreed late Thursday night to tone down proposed legislation

Not Just Hot Air

T HE president and the governors met for only two days at the education summit. Their intention was not to

Bush, Governors Set Education Priorities

CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va.--The first ever presidential education summit came to an end yesterday, as President Bush and the nation's 50 governors

HOLLIS Offers New Features

Harvard library employees worked through the summer in a continuing effort to enhance the University's year-old library computer directory system.

The QRR: Stumbling Toward the Future

It's part of the chaos that hits Harvard every year during orientation. For first-year students who are unpacking their belongings

Does the QRR Test Enough?

Every senior who marches down the aisles during today's Commencement Exercises has passed the Quantitative Reasoning Requirement (QRR), but Harvard

Ten-Year Review Focuses on Mechanics, Not Philosophy

From the academic right, left and center, Harvard's Core Curriculum has faced much criticism throughout its 10 years. But within