
Rebecca J. Joseph

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The Best of All...

L IFE is not what it is cracked up to be. Or so learn the characters in the Loeb Mainstage's

The Pope Prevails

S ET IN NEW YORK CITY'S Little Italy. The Pope of Greenwich Village traces a few months in the bizarre

Uninspired Remake

R EMAKING OLD CLASSICS has always been a popular--yet usually fruitless--pastime for filmmakers, as any views of last summer's pathetic

'Iolanthe': Pastoral Perfection

A S LONG as there are energetic companies dedicated to fleshing out the subtleties of William S. Gilbert's language and

Part-Time Mother

W HEN the half-gnawed bagel covered with plum Gerber baby food dropped to the floor for the third time, I

Opera Gigolo

A LEGENDARY love-them-and-leave them cad, Don Giovanni is the type of man mothers tell their little girls to stay away

Staging New Plays

H OW MANY of you drool whenever you hear that Marsha Norman or Sam Shepard is having of one of

Uncomplicated Power

S ILKWOOD is a devastatingly lyrical film about the mysterious death of anti-nuclear activist Karen Silkwood on November 13, 1974.

A Visual Feast

F ROM THE MOMENT the curtain opens on the fishing village of Rederring in Cornwall, the set stands out as

On the Hot Seat

P LAYS WRITTEN BY Tennessee Williams reek of viciousness, violence, and sexual tension. Some of his most famous characters--Amanda in