
Whit Stillman

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After Harvard...........WHAT?

A FTER HARVARD...WHAT?" is many things. It's the most annoying, boring and important question you can ask a member of

The Great God Brown

I T'S A SHAME THAT after the New Phoenix Repertory Company has come all the way up from New York,

Paying the Price in Posterity

G EORGE KAUFMAN and John Marquand became friends in 1943 when they collaborated on a stage version for Marquand's Pulitzer

Jacques Brel Is Alive and Well

F OR FIVE years I've been teased by the title Jacques Brel Is Alive and Well and Living in Paris

Pleasure as Usual

It spring has its way this weekend and behaves in an excruciatingly sunny manner it will be hard to resist

Basic Training/Pavlo Hummel

A T THE AGE of twelve when most of us were hovering between war games and romance as our major


The Bull Gets the Matador Once in a Lifetime, tonight and March 22-25 at Agassiz Theatre F OR OVER a

America Hooray

W HEN YOU shorten a play it's only fair that you shorten its name. America is one half the title

Dear Scott/Dear Max

A LTHOUGH I'VE long been aware that some adults have the habit of giving themselves Christmas presents, it seems strange

Henry IV

I T HAS always reassured me as I yawn through classes and sleep through lectures to realize that professors aren't