
Daniel A. Rezneck

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The Forgotten Man

Historians, political scientists, and just plain politicians will probably be pondering the rise of Senator Joseph McCarthy to prominence and

Security and Dr. Peters

In 1949, someone told the F.B.I. that Dr. John P. Peters, senior professor of medicine at Yale, had been a

Storm Clouds Over Israel

While the struggle between the Western and Soviet blocs occupies the center of the world stage, another drama of co-existence

Presidential War-Making

"The Congress shall have Power... To declare War."--Constitution of the United States, Article 1, Section 8. "The President shall be

Evading Education

University Hall's examination staff has its own private definition of utopia--a place where no student ever misreads a schedule or

Brass Tacks

Back in the hey-day of the New Deal, it was almost the height of fashion for bright young Harvard men

Agreement on the Atom

A year ago, President Eisenhower momentarily diverted attention from the peril of the atom with his "Atoms for Peace" speech

Missing in Action

Two of the most publicized figures in American politics were among the real victims of the 1954 elections. The name

Liberal Leaders Divide on Support Of State Candidates in ADA Dispute

Six prominent liberals wrestled with the question of how a Massachusetts liberal should vote next Tuesday and emerged with widely

Cornell: One the Ivy League's Frontier

According to legend, a very proper New England lady, with an offspring ready for College, once fell into a conversation