
Antony J. Blinken

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Move Them to Switzerland

A S THE SMOG of international political idiocy descends upon the Los Angeles Olympics, cries have arisen that it's time

Ducking Out

T HERE ISN'T muct sense in deriding President Reagan just to score political points. Given half a chance, or one

Taking Control

A LEXANDER HAIG, President Reagan's erstwhile Secretary of State, probably won't be remembered for his command of the English language.

Fighting the Just Cause

I n Parliament a South African minister of justice once called at "the Single greatest force that perverts our legal

Fighting the Just Cause

I n Parliament, a South African minister of justice once called it "the single greatest force that perverts our legal

Fighting the Just Cause

I n Parliament, a South African minister of justice once called it "the single greatest force that perverts our legal

The Trouble With Nicaragua

In 1979, we tried to install an era of democracy. Instead, what we got was another dictatorship. -- Jose Cardenal,

How They See It

G eorgi Arbatov is a maneuverer. In a sense such a observation seems self-evident; anyone who, like Arbatov, has reached

Voyage Into Darkness

T HE SALVADORAN SOLDIERS moved ever so slowly down a sidewalk, hugging the buildings and doorways with their backs. They

Peeking Through the Iron Curtain

W HEN WINSTON CHURCHILL SPOKE of an iron curtain descending between East and West, he was referring to both a