
Holly A. Idelson

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Uncovering the Truth

"W HAT ARE they so worked up about? I mean it's not as if Harvard's divesting from companies in South

Taking in a Show--Or Two

Witch and Famous Hasty Pudding theatricals 137 Book and Lyrics by Paul Sagawa '85 and Peter Miller '85 Music by

A Little Foresight

T HIS TIME it was an airstrip in Tehran. And in a rage of powerlessness, we waited anxiously for word

God's Music From an Obscene Child

H E IS RUDE and immature Selfish and arrogant. He is to sufferable. He is brilliant. Wolfgang Amadcus Mozart began

A New Democracy?

I T USED to be that political scientists found it was pretty simple to sketch a diagram of the spectrum

The end of privilege?

A n old Harvard tradition got a fresh--and often highly critical--look this year when the College's all-male social clubs came

Behind Closed Doors

I N A perverse sort of way, I was pleased to read a copy of the "Official Pi Eta Speakers

Getting Questions Right

N EVER answer a question with a question. If playing one ambiguity off against another makes for poor grammar, it

Gov Department of Offer Harassment Counseling

The Government Department will appoint two professors to offer informal counseling on sexual harassment issues within the department, chairman John

Most of it Goes

W HEN SWINGTIME SWEETIE Billy Crocker sings the praises of nightclub knockout Reno Sweeney, he lovingly croons "You're the National