
Thomas H. Howlett

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Doing Unto Others

Remigio Cruz '86 and several other Harvard undergraduates hopped a bus to the South End of Boston every weekday this

Student Room Care 'Unimpeachable'

Intensive publicity and strict enforcement of rules regarding the condition of undergraduate suites is effectively preventing damage to newly renovated

The making of the 100th Game

Preserving The Game's integrity--that was the goal. Some find that surprising. A friend of Yale football had wanted to market

The Nation's Voice

M EAT CUTTER Jim Zillman, of Wausau, Wisc., yesterday told 1.1 million Americans that he thinks prison inmates should help

Study May Alter Numbers in Houses

A recent study of College living space could lead to shifts in the number of students assigned to the 12

Power Plant's Cancer Risks Probed in New Hearings

The state's environmental agency will begin hearings today to decide whether a diesel power plant Harvard is building could cause

Life Among the Scaffolds

"I vy" That key word in the Harvard vocabulary last year sparked a maelstrom of mock controversy and media attention.

Don't Break the Promise

A GRAND TOTAL of 20 people out of 89 put the finishing touches on the Undergraduate Council's first year last

Kinsley-Resigns Harper's Post To Pen New Republic's 'PRB'

Michael E. Kinsley '72, a former Crimson executive, resigned as editor of Harper's magazine yesterday to join The New Republic

Fire Breaks Out in Canaday Suite

A small fire scorched portions of a Canaday Hall suite yesterday but caused no injuries or serious damage. A team