
Victor K. Mcelheny

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Papers Given at Two Day Meeting Of Psychologists

Staff members and graduates of the Harvard Psychological Clinic yesterday wound up two days of meetings and reunion parties honoring

Soc. Rel. Makes Wide Rules Change

Sweeping changes in the Social Relations department's requirements for undergraduate concentrators were announced Saturday by Robert W. White '25, department


Much of the spirit behind William S. White's attempt to describe the essence of the often vexingly incomprehensible United States

Soc Rel Committee Plans Concentration Revisions

The Social Relations Department has reached tentative agreement on extensive changes in its requirements for both honors and non-honors concentrators,

Chafee Urges Control of Civil Rights Abuse

The Federal government possesses a "residual power" to punish gross violations of civil rights by the states, and must exercise

Psychiatric Services: A Part of Harvard

Nearly everybody at the University encounters difficulties in trying to acquire a liberal education, but some students find that elements

Soc Rel Dept. Offers Case Work Course

The Social Relations Department is offering for the first time this fall a course involving case work with mental hospital

The Senator's Retreat

When Senator McCarthy refused last week to appear in Judge Bailey Aldrich's courtroom for the pending trial of Professor Wendell

M'Carthy May Cause Furry Case to Close

Senator Joseph R. McCarthy announced Wednesday he will refuse to testify at the pending contempt-of-Congress trial of Wendell H. Furry,

McCarthy Charges Aldrich Unfit to Judge Kamin Case

Senator Joseph R. McCarthy charged on the Senate floor in Washington yesterday that Judge Bailey Aldrich's reluctance to sign a