
Gerald M. Rosberg

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Brown Freshmen Clobbered, 6 to 0, By Hockey Squad

Harvard's freshman hockey team demolished Brown 6-0 Saturday for its fifth straight win of the season. Defenseman Dave Jones led

The Faculty's Stern Decision

( The following represents the opinion of a minority of the Editorial Board. The majority opinion appeared in yesterday's Crimson)

Panel Urges New Student Loan Scheme

A White House panel -- including a professor of Mathematics form Harvard -- has drawn up a new college-loan plan

Harvard to Construct Huge Library Addition

Harvard has decided to build a huge underground library structure between Houghton and Lamont to head off rapidly growing shortages

Registration Begins Today At Mem Hall

About 5000 students will file through Memorial Hall today to register for the 92nd session of the Harvard Summer School,


I N THE summer of 1939, a few short weeks before Hitler's invasion of Poland, Harvard historian William L. Langer

UNDER MARSHALL LAW: The book...is an extension...of the eye

O NCE UPON a time, when the Beatles were still in Liverpool and no one had heard of LSD, Marshall

Election in France

Waiting for the results of last week's legislative elections, Charles de Gaulle could relax with the easy self-assurance of a

CIA Recruiting Cancelled To Avoid Student Protest

The Central Intelligence Agency has cancelled a two-day recruiting drive at Harvard, apparently to avoid student protest. James W. Gurll,

Sen. Eugene J. McCarthy

The William Belden Noble Lectures have only twice been given by an active politician. Theodore Roosevelt '80 who delivered the