
David M. Farquhar

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The Death of Manolete

Death can be small and cold. It can be a hard black pistol. Or it can be huge and hot;

From a Kazoo Kulture To Wheaties Democracy

To those few of the intellectual patricians making up the Cambridge Scene who are tuned in on the main line

Leighton Says Dudley Need Will Continue

"It would make no difference if we got another Harkness ten million," observed Delmar Leighton, now Master of Dudley House,

Political Groups Debate Reduction Of Tax on Incomes Under $5,000

"$420 would buy some tangible goods, a television set, a washing machine..." said the Democrat to the audience. "Or a

My Uncle

When you saw Hulot's Holiday, you got belly-laughs from Tati's portrayal of the Hulot personality. The whole responsibility of making

'Education on the Cuff'

"Three billion dollars," predicts Professor Seymour Harris, "will have to come from increased tuition rates in the next decade, if

Psychological Laboratory's Answer To a Teacher Shortage: Machines

"There are more people in the world than ever before, and a far greater part of them want an education,"

Writing Courses at Harvard

I began to push open the door but stopped at a musty odor that came from the room. I put

The Last Bridge

Slap blop. "...And then..."Gouge gouge. "...Lincoln underwent the most extreme change in years..." Squeeze slap slap. "...He parted his hair