
Felicia Wu

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'Music From the British Isles' Hits Holiday Note

There is something truly magical about holiday choral music done well, and the Holden Choirs' concert last Saturday in Sanders

Harvard's Pianist Proves Playful Virtuoso

Though only 20 years old, the Pro Arte Chamber Orchestra of Boston has been named "one of the top three

From Mostly Mozart To Precise Prokofiev: Gripping the Audience

Even on a rainy Friday afternoon, the Box Office lines at Symphony Hall stretched long with people eager to hear

H-R Collegium Musicum Performs Monteverdi Magic

When the Harvard-Radcliffe Collegium Musicum gives a concert, they know how to do it in style. Their performance last Friday

Berlioz Blitz Rocks Symphony Hall

Upon entering the beautiful Symphony Hall, with its Grecian figurines gracing the walls and Beethoven's name inscribed in gold above