
David Frankel

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A Conjurer of Words

L OON LAKE shimmers in the dewy dawn, prose and poetry, beautiful words strung like a creeping vine in a

Lost in Place

W ITH Annie Hall, Woody Allen created a film for anyone who calls the New York metropolitan area "home." With

More Kugelmass

W HEN IT COMES to the little shnook who keeps us other shnooks laughing, one has to cut through the

Breakfast Epiphanies

H ANDCARVED COFFINS" is a true story about a murderer, a detective and a writer. Truman Capote calls it "A

The Fine Art of Survival

S AMUEL FULLER took the crew of his picture, The Big Red One, to Israel because the Judean Hills today

The Fine Art of Survival

S AMUEL FULLER took the crew of his picture, The Big Red One, to Israel because the Judean Hills today

The Fine Art of Survival

S AMUEL FULLER took the crew of his picture, The Big Red One, to Israel because the Judean Hills today

The Mating Call of the Wide-Eyed Freshman

"Okay, listen, you bring the wall-length mirror and I'll bring the porta-bar and we can turn our room into a

School Days

H IGH SCHOOL used to mean Archie and Betty and Veronica and Jughead. Remember tenth grade: hanging out in the

More Than Kin, Less Than Kind

B ILLY is like sinus trouble," a White House staffer said a few years ago. "It never goes away but