
James I. Kaplan

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Many Factors Figured in Carter's Win

More than any other American president, Jimmy Carter owes his election to the votes of black people and other minority

Getting around the Square

Somebody in the administration said recently that you had to be either rich or desperate to go to the Harvard

UHall: A certain amount of politics

What Dean Rosovsky calls them is "career civil servants"--perhaps an acknowledgement that so many University Hall administrators were here way

Elite Students: A Silence Between Two Cultures

Most of the third world students I sought to write about are scared--or at the very least, cautious in talking

Blame Massachusetts

One week after the corporate press had declared the quadrennial end of ideology in American politics--vide Time and Newsweek's cover

A Debate on Who Should Run the Loeb

The Ford Committee of the Faculty's report on the Loeb Drama Center and theater at Harvard came out last March--but

Plugging Up the Leaks

When newspapers publish their most controversial and highly-played investigative stories, the people who are investigated rarely enjoy what they see

The Law School and State Action

At first, the Harvard Law School tried to give Kenneth B. Krohn a gentle let-down. James N. Bierman, then assistant

The Russian Collection

It is not so much a center as a collection: from David E. Powell, who quit teaching Defense Department seminars