
Sarah M. Mcgillis

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The Women's Boom

The Decade of Women: A Ms. History of the Seventies in Words and Pictures Edited and Produced by Suzanne Levine

No Right Turns

T HIS BOOK might be more aptly titled More Than You Ever Wanted to Know About the Left and Were

Truth and Beauty

S OMETIMES I go to the Orson Welles, like when someone forces me to or it's free. I'm always afraid

The Missing Sleuth

F OG, DENSE AND LUSH, curling its way through London alleys and along seedy docksides, in and out of dingy

Senior Wins Bob Hope Award; Will Appear in Hope Special

When a Hollywood producer called Wednesday to invite her to California this weekend to tape a Bob Hope special, Margaret

Third World Conference Criticizes U.S.

Speakers at the Third World Conference on Human Rights last night criticized the United States for denying civil rights to

B.U. Faculty Files Charges With NLRB

Boston University's (B.U.) chapter of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) filed unfair labor practice charges against the B.U.

Pudding Will Honor Bergen and DeNiro

They're still looking for sex and violence. The Hasty Pudding Club yesterday named Hollywood stars Candace Bergen and Robert DeNiro