
Nicholas Lemann

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A Room With a View

Although Soldiers Field Park, Harvard's new $22.5 million apartment complex, is meant to be a restrained place, these days it's

A Hall Sampler

A collection of some of Hall's most memorable remarks: On ambition: "When I came here, I understood that I would

In the Bunker

Exam Anecdote A student is taking an exam. Detailed footnotes are required for the essay and he panics. He proceeds

Student Fees Keep Climbing

The news is, minus the subtleties, pretty much the same as it was last year: for the eighth year in

Local Color

We are writing here to extol the virtues of the game of handball and to decry the disturbing trend in

Good News And Bad News

At a press conference this week to announce the formation of a student task force to improve Harvard's implementation of

Review of Affirmative Action Figures Shows Meeting of Most Hiring Goals

Since the inception of its affirmative action program, Harvard has exceed its projected hiring goals for women but fallen short

25 Students, at Holyoke Center, March in Support of Holcomb

About 25 people, members of a new student organization called the Committee for Worker-Student Unity, picketed for an hour yesterday

Students Back Holcomb

Four black and third world student groups last week issued a statement of "wholehearted support" for Sherman L. Holcomb, a

The Square's Peg

The Concord Building, where the paint peels off the inside walls and rickety wooden stairways lead to doors that go