
Nicholas Gagarin

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The Sinner Sunday Brunch

THEY ARE serving brunch in Quincy House, so at a little after noon when I walk over to the dining

Old Books in and Under the Yard

The young, frail looking freshman stood on the steps of Houghton Library and clutched his copy of " Don Quixote

Old Books in and Under the Yard

The young frail looking freshman stood on the steps of Houghton Library and clutched his cop of "don Quixote" in

Trying to Find The Ties That Bind At the Loeb

A HUGE mirror covered one wall of the room. A few chairs were scattered around. Two tables were cluttered with

Looking Backwards

L YNDON JOHNSON has written a nifty little book to serve as a postscript to his Administration. It is called


LET ME BORROW from Clive Barnes: AIR is beautiful. In her program notes, Lindsay Ann Course writes, "Mixed media has

Esalen and Harvard: Looking at Life From Both Sides Now

(This is the last of a series of four articles.) The modern mind has so reduced life to a science

Into the Center of the Circle

O NE OF THE slogans of Esalen's five-day Sunday to Friday "More Joy" workshop is that "Joy comes on Thursday."

In the New Pastures of Heaven

(This is the second of a series of four articles.) W HEN the Monday morning session broke up for lunch,

Big Sur, California: Tripping Out at Esalen

(This is the first of a series of four articles.) "4:42 p.m. Arrive in Monterey." He made that note. Maybe