
Frank Rich

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A Senior's Serapbook Pictures at an Exhibition

There they all were-the veritable image of geographical distribution-sitting in the Waldorf Cafeteria on Mass Ave, freshman roommates enjoying their

Do 50 Years Really Make a Difference?

HARVARD may have long since forgotten the Class of '21, but the Class of '21-or at least part of it-has

Bad Things To Do Three Thirty Five

MY ROOM in Washington, D.C., where I am sitting now (enjoying air-conditioning and unlimited quantities of Breakstone cottage cheese), is

A White Man Tells All

173 pp., $5.95. SO MANY things died or otherwise collapsed during the sixties that it is hard to keep track

Books The Decline and Fall of Scott Fitzgerald

308 pp., $7.95. A NATIONAL magazine recently pointed out that F. Scott Fitzgerald, for decades one of this country's most

Theatre Atomic Flowers

"The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-in-the-Moon Marlgolds," at the New Theatre, Cambridge, through May 23 COULD there possibly be

Films Bed and Board at the Paris Cinema

I DON'T know a single admirer of Francois Truffaut, myself included, who does not throw around the word "love" when

Films Lylah Clare

IF YOU'VE been to Los Angles in the past few years, you may have noticed that the last Great American

Pudding Rhinestones in the Rough from now until Bermuda

WHO IS the Hasty Pudding Club and what do they want from us? This is the question that came into

Theatre The Last Musical

THESE ARE old women coming down the staircase. They are dumpy, their hair is dyed, they don't exactly keep time