
Thomas M. Levenson

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Whither Liberal Arts?

I F ANY ONE issue has occupied Harvard's soul searching in the last four years. it has been the perennial

The Forgotten Shadow

W ITH HIS BIOGRAPHY of the virtually unknown (to Americans at least) Liang Shu-ming, Associate History Professor Guy Alitto has

The Land Presses In

I T IS NO ACCIDENT that the dominant cultural medium in the United States is television. To reinforce the box-like

Dentists' Office Jazz

T HERE WAS SOMETHING FUNNY about this one from the start. It began innocently enough; somebody arranged an interview, and

By Any Other Name

We are not fanatics. We deplore the genocide the Nazis visited on the Hebrew people. But there is no event

Nuke This Book

T HIS COULD HAVE BEEN A GOOD BOOK. It's nicely printed on high-quality paper, and written lucidly enough to prove

One More For Keith

K EITH MOON is still dead. But then so is Jim Jones. Currier House's production of Tommy may prove to

Is There Anybody Here?

Death of a Rebel by Marc Eliot Anchor Press, 316 pages "The child was created to the slaughter house he's

It Happens at the Aquarium, Too

It all begins with a Saturday afternoon. Baseball season may have already lumbered over the horizon, but even the Red

Joseph R. Levenson: A Retrospective

This piece is a remembrance of Joseph R. Levenson on the tenth anniversary of his death. Levenson, a specialist in