
Daniel Gil

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A Matter of Life and Death: Who Should 'Pull The Plug'?

On the night of April 15, 1975, a 21-year-old woman stopped breathing after taking pills and drinking a large quantity

It's Harvard, Yale and All the Rest at Sprints

The Harvard lights came roaring into this season a month ago shouting "no prisoners," signifying their determination to sweep a

Yale Charge Disarms Lights

Two seat Mike Cominsky said it best yesterday after the Harvard lights lost to Yale by six seconds at Derby,

Lights Sweep in Biglin Over Dartmouth, MIT

Winning was not the only thing for the Harvard lights this weekend at Hanover, N.H. Perfection was their goal. That

Rough but Ready, Lights Open Today

In the last scene of the movie Animal House, a slightly crazed, yet imposing John Belushi leads his frat brothers

A Sad, Familiar Tune

The 1978 men's soccer team finished with a disappointing 5-9-1 record, and as is usual with a losing record, a

Two Squads Set to Compete

The women's swim team opens its season this evening strengthened by a large group of freshmen. The team is somewhat

Booters Open THE WEEKEND; Diaz Brothers Meet in Season Finale

Under normal circumstances, this would be a nothing game, a contest for supremacy between the two bottom teams in the

A Scientific Race: Recombining DNA

On Halloween night, while space warriors pranced outside, researchers began work, without fanfare, in the Harvard special containment laboratory for