David A. Demilo
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Sympathy for the Devil
"Sin comes from the soul, not from the flesh..." --St. Augustine T HERE WERE WALLS, invisible walls, everywhere. He was
Even Punks Sing the Blues
Philly is working on a nuclear submarine. Three weeks ago, he was finishing up his shore leave in Boston, seeing
Hitler, Here is Your Victory
"Culture? When I hear the word culture I reach for my pistol." --Herman Goering H E IS INTRODUCED as the
Confronting Moloch
G IVE ME A hero. Someone willing to throw his body on the line, who will feel the cutting edge
A Captive Audience
A LL OVER THE COUNTRY, they sit there with cold eyes and pursed lips, washed faces nursed by distant images
The Color of Their Brains
T HERE'S ONLY ONE STORY I'll ever tell." A whore stood with her pink thumb out to the road, blocking
Heroes and Fools
"Fenway Park is a religious shrine. People go there to worship." --Bill Lee A ND SO THE real history of
Going Away Sadly
"Where have the last feelings of decency and self-respect gone when even our statesmen, in other ways a very unprejudiced
God's Catch
Gloucester is a good American town, the kind of town that hates anything too far out of its ken. Gloucester
Of Wolves and Men
I HATED him like I had never hated anyone before. Hate at first sight, like a wolf and a hunted