
Stephen C. Clapp

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Poetry and Experience

Harrison Coombs was not doing at all well in English C. It wasn't the grade, he reminded himself--they usually gives

Domestic Quarrel

Like love triangles throughout history, Russia's recent flirtation with the West has resulted in jealousy and political temper-tantrums on the

Biographer and Critic

In his modest way (his manner rather suggests a family doctor), Leon Edel has "put to press" more than twenty

Dollars for Doctors

One exception to Parkinson's Law that everything which is tends to persist and everything that does tends to expand and

Golden Demon

Perhaps the only mistake which the makers of Golden Demon made was in the title, which suggests violence and Oriental

Our Town

"It might be argued," wrote Donald Malcolm, reviewing the Circle in the Square production, that Our Town is not a

Era of Good Feeling

Military danger sometimes makes strange bedfellows, and for a while it looked as if Pakistan and India might patch up

The Changing Character of Harvard College: Applicants Face Stiffer Costs, Competition

It is a cliche that it's harder to get into Harvard than to stay in--a fact which is reflected in


You never see the kidnap and killing of "little Pauly Koestler" in Compulsion, but this only adds to the moral