Crimson staff writer

Kate J. Kaufman

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Fifteen Questions: Martin Puchner on Philosopher Chatbots, AI Writing, and the Future

The professor of Drama, English, and Comparative Literature sat down with Fifteen Minutes to discuss cultural production, writing with ChatGPT, and modeling a chatbot after himself.

Paper Boats

The ground is forgetful — after a few dry months, it’s flustered by the torrent of rain and can’t hold onto the precious moisture.

The Twelve Steps to Internet Sobriety

As attendees of Internet and Technology Addicts Anonymous take turns telling their personal journeys, I’m struck by how much we have in common.

Unsung Hero: Hana Rehman

Rehman’s said her leadership in the South Asian campus community was the result of persistence. “Showing up was really hard. There was a lot happening in my life and in other people’s lives and in the world. But showing up is half the battle,” she explains.

For Alejandra Caraballo, the Next 4 Years Are About Survival

Caraballo anticipates dark days ahead for the trans community. “We are going to lose a lot of people,” she says. “I don’t want to sugarcoat it, these next four years are going to be about survival.”

The Eleventh Habit of Highly Successful Harvard Students

The world falls away, and it’s just me and Panopto, reaching full human potential as one.

Noteworthy Passion

My notes collection became something new: proof that I care.

Viral Veritas: How Student Influencers Turn Harvard Into Payouts and Purpose

As more and more students take up the role of ‘Harvard influencer,’ social media success is increasingly shaping their life on campus. Yet student internet stardom still feels like uncharted territory.

Advice to Josh: How to Connect to Crimson Print

Back to school means back to the perennial problem of trying to figure out Crimson Print. Back to frantically swiping your card at a printer minutes before class, to no avail. Back to trying to figure out which mysteriously named printer on the list of many mysteriously named printers you’re supposed to choose. So we’re here to give Josh some advice: How do you connect to Crimson Print?

How Not to Be a Big Sister

Looking back, I realized that because I had tried to be the perfect long-distance sibling, I had turned myself into someone unrelatable and distant. I thought that because they looked up to me, I should only show the parts of myself that were worth admiring. Instead, I wondered if the best thing I could do for them was to be totally honest.