Contributing writer
Mukta R. Dharmapurikar
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Maybe Harvard Students Aren’t Engaged in Class. But They Aren’t the Only Ones To Blame.
Extracurriculars are also symptoms of larger forces, and trying to minimize extracurriculars while leaving those untouched would be a fool’s errand. If Harvard eliminated all extracurriculars tomorrow, would students suddenly show up to every large lecture class that they aren’t able to focus in?
Harvard’s Science and Engineering Complex Needs a Dining Hall
After the arduous journey to the SEC, you’re probably starving. But sadly, you’re left without options.
Day In The Life of a Harvard Mouse
You may have seen me scurrying around Kirkland dining hall or following you down the sidewalk last night. I thought I’d give you a day in my life as one of Harvard’s most well-known community members.
Harvard Club Funding Is Plummeting. Time To Fix the Student Activities Fee.
The SAF needs a complete overhaul.
The Structural Flaws in Harvard’s House Advising System
But just because we have convenient infrastructure in place doesn’t mean that Harvard should use it for everything. Preserving the integrity of the Houses as living communities, rather than post-graduate administrative blocs, would make our house communities stronger.
Somerville Residents Open Hearts to New Pets: Storm Water Drains
As increased flooding due to climate change has caused more combined sewer overflows, the city has decided to give residents a new role in flood prevention through its Adopt-a-Drain program.
The Caffeine Comeback: Cabot Café Poised to Open Despite Administrative Challenges
Run by undergraduates and open until 1 a.m. Saturday through Thursday, Cabot Café is a centerpiece of undergraduate life in the Radcliffe Quadrangle. This year, however, the cafe has yet to open.