Crimson opinion writer
Allison P. Farrell
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Harvard Educated Eight Presidents — Why not a Philosopher King?
We do not need to believe in Platonic philosopher-kings to believe that it is good for our leaders to be equipped with the tools of moral philosophy. Those making decisions that impact the lives of their fellow citizens should understand both the empirical and ethical import of their actions.
Cambridge Has a Good Alternative To Violent Policing. It Must Embrace It.
Cambridge has a policing alternative in its Holistic Emergency Response Team, and it could take some of its citizens out of harm’s way. It’s high time it commits to it.
Universities Must Become More Political — Not Less
We must reckon with the popular mandate of this anti-intellectual movement or we may well see its most dangerous proposals become reality.
Abolishing Legacy Admissions Won’t Make College Accessible
Either education is made affordable and knowledge a tool for all, or it will continue to be reserved for the privileged few.
Abolish the MCAS Graduation Requirement: Vote Yes on Ballot Question Two
It’s time to get rid of the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System graduation requirement.
Dissent: Classroom Comments Can’t Be Anonymous
Those who support the Chatham House Rule ignore the reality that the discussion of ideas must happen with the real world in view.
We Need Students on the Ad Board
If we want Harvard to serve as a community in the true sense of the word, then we must all play a part, even with the difficult aspects of living together. Harvard students are ready for the challenge: What we need is for the administration to give it to us.
Protest Is Intellectually Vital
What are Harvard’s “normal operations,” and when does protest become an unwarranted disruption of these operations?
Harvard’s Mental Health System Is Dehumanizing
When Harvard treats students as liabilities, it sends a clear signal to those who need care: There may not be a place for you here.
Interpreting the Harvard Faculty’s Lack of Ideological Diversity
It is an odd feature of our current time that we allude to an ideal of weighing “all viewpoints” against one another. Indeed, we must ask whether the proposition to include “all viewpoints” is reasonable or even possible.