
Jose A. Avalos

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Global Challenges IOP Forum

Former House representatives Joe Crowley (D-NY), Elizabeth Esty (D-CT), Bob Dold (R-IL), and Jeff Denham (R-CA) sit in the Harvard Kennedy School's John F. Kennedy Jr. Forum.

Sophie M. Garrigus

Sophie M. Garrigus ’25 is a true multi-hyphenate with talents spanning acting, writing, comedy, and more.

jeremy ornstein 2

Jeremy wouldn’t call himself whimsical.

jeremy ornstein 1

“One of my most whimsical qualities is talking to strangers,” Jeremy Ornstein says.

Micah Williams

Micah I. Williams ’24's long-term dream in life is to build a pizza oven. Maybe also to build a house with a huge greenhouse and spend four or five hours a day making soup.

Jonathan L. Zittrain

Jonathan L. Zittrain is a professor at Harvard Law School and faculty director of the Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society.

James Robson Portrait

Asia Center Director James Robson says the Center viewed Thai Studies as the first step in seeding Southeast Asian studies on campus.

Lady Aileen Orsa Portrait

Lady Aileen Orsal is Harvard's first Filipino (Tagalog) language preceptor. “This is like a homecoming for all of us,” she told her first class. “This is our home. This is our family, and let’s explore more about each other.”

Hoa Le Portrait

Hoa Le, Harvard's Vietnamese language preceptor, has been instrumental in supporting the center’s Southeast Asia efforts.

Sonya and Emma

Sonya R. Ganeshram ’24 (left), and Emma Vrabel ’25 (right) with their dogs Athena and Holly.