Crimson staff writer

Adelaide E. Parker

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Advice to Josh: How to Connect to Crimson Print

Back to school means back to the perennial problem of trying to figure out Crimson Print. Back to frantically swiping your card at a printer minutes before class, to no avail. Back to trying to figure out which mysteriously named printer on the list of many mysteriously named printers you’re supposed to choose. So we’re here to give Josh some advice: How do you connect to Crimson Print?

Fifteen Questions: Serhii Plokhii on Atlantis, Chernobyl, and the Dangers of Writing History

History professor and Ukrainian Research Institute director Serhii Plokhii sat down with FM to discuss his newly-published book on Chernobyl, his role as a historian of the Russo-Ukrainian war, and how searching for the lost city of Atlantis pulled him into academia.

Getting to Know Sungjoo Yoon, the Datamatch Leaker

Sungjoo Yoon ’27 became a campus celebrity when he leaked a list of Rice Purity Test scores from freshmen’s private Datamatch profiles. But despite his newfound celebrity status, Yoon doesn’t see himself as the infamous “Datamatch Leaker.”

Fifteen Questions: David F. Elmer on Test Anxiety, ‘Percy Jackson,’ and His Favorite Harvard House

The Classics Chair and incoming Eliot House Dean sat down with FM to discuss ancient Greek literature, South Slavic oral traditions, and why he hasn’t read the bestselling Rick Riordan series.

Fixing Fraud in College Admissions

As college applications grow steadily more competitive, students have been pushed to ever-greater lengths to gain admission — including mounting pressures to embellish or outright falsify application data.

Hacking Harvard Bridge with Oliver R. Smoot

As a pledge, the fraternity made Smoot lay down on the bridge over 300 times, painting ticks at each smoot. Almost 70 years later, the Smoot markings remain, allowing pedestrians to measure their journey in “smoots.” According to a sign on the bridge, Cambridge and Boston are exactly 364.4 smoots apart.

Craft or Commodity? The ‘Paradox’ of High School Creative Writing Competitions

Creative writing contests aim to promote self expression and foster a new generation of artists. But does turning creative writing into a competition for admissions erode its artistic purpose?

Harvard Should Step in Before Its Next Student Financial Scandal

Harvard’s insistence on club autonomy has become a shield to avoid implementing expensive, but necessary, accountability measures.