Contributing writer

Jem K. Williams

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Best Dressed: Primo Lagaso-Goldberg

Last year, Primo says, their style was more edgy. They used to wear eyeliner every day, and their wardrobe had (well, technically, still has) an abundance of black clothing. Nowadays, you might not see them sporting black eyeliner everyday, but they always stay true to what they “feel good wearing, no matter what aesthetic that borrows from.”

Fifteen Questions: Theda Skocpol on The Election, The Ivory Tower, and The New England Patriots

The sociologist sat down with FM to discuss U.S. authoritarianism, campus protest, and her favorite football team.

How Cambridge Is Reimagining Reparations

The radical ideas behind Cambridge’s American Freedmen Commission Ordinance have the potential to reshape reparations and racial justice initiatives around the country.

Advice to Josh: How to Connect to Crimson Print

Back to school means back to the perennial problem of trying to figure out Crimson Print. Back to frantically swiping your card at a printer minutes before class, to no avail. Back to trying to figure out which mysteriously named printer on the list of many mysteriously named printers you’re supposed to choose. So we’re here to give Josh some advice: How do you connect to Crimson Print?

Fifteen Questions: Spencer Weinreich on Solitary Confinement, Religious Violence, and Quizbowl Grooming

Junior Fellow Spencer Weinreich sat down with FM to discuss the history of solitary confinement, the meaning of his tattoos, and being a “textual omnivore.”

The Academic Policing of Academics on Policing

In 2022, professors Christopher Lewis and Adaner Usmani argued that to reduce violent crime, the U.S. needs to drastically shorten its prison sentences — and increase its police force by half a million officers. Their ideas soon become a flashpoint of online discourse.

Do We Have the Right To Read?

“Do we, as a society, have an ethical obligation to create safe spaces and boundaries for particular groups of people?” asks Jocelyn Kennedy, one of the curators of the Harvard Law School library exhibit, “Challenging Our Right to Read.”

‘Ideological Authors’: Harvard’s Hidden Ties to Dirty Wars in Latin America

In the 1960s and 70s, U.S. Cold War involvement in Latin America and the violent regimes it supported were hardly discussed at Harvard. Yet these two worlds — political upheaval in Latin America and the rarefied academic spaces of the University — were far less separate than one might think.

Good Grief

Some people honor their deceased loved ones with beautiful poetry, speeches of somber remembrance, or quiet moments of reflection. I honored my grandmother with a three minute stand up set.

Advice to Josh: When Does Winter End?

As the weather fluctuates between the 30s and high 50s, and as the weeks hurtle by, it seems like spring should be coming. The air is slowly getting warmer, on average, and there are some buds starting to burst forth on bare branches. Still, Cambridge seems dreary and gray, and the midterm slump certainly isn't helping the sense of endless winter. So we're here to give Josh advice on knowing when exactly winter ends.