Crimson staff writer

Anjeli R. Macaranas

Crimson staff writer Anjeli R. Macaranas can be reached at

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Title IX Complaints at Harvard Surge After Pandemic Low, Per Annual Report

Title IX disclosures and complaints to the University dropped significantly during the pandemic and subsequently increased, according to a report released on Tuesday.

By the Numbers: Title IX Complaints at Harvard Since 2015

The number of Title IX disclosures at Harvard fell during the pandemic, only to shoot back up in Fiscal Year 2022. See Title IX disclosure data from the last six years.

Higher Ed Institutions Call for Clarity, Simplicity in Title IX Amendments Proposed by Biden Administration

The American Council on Education submitted comments to the U.S. Department of Education Monday, calling for changes to the Title IX amendments proposed by the Biden administration in June.

Proposed Title IX Regulations Roll Back Trump-Era Policies, Raising Concerns Among Higher Education Experts

Faculty and experts expressed both praise and concern regarding the Biden Administration’s newly proposed changes to Title IX regulations on June 23.

Harvard Title IX Coordinator Apologizes for Statement on Comaroff Lawsuit

Harvard Title IX Coordinator Nicole M. Merhill apologized for a statement she made last week, writing that it “has contributed to further concerns around trust.”

Moderna Vaccine Slightly More Effective than Pfizer, Per HSPH Study

Researchers at Harvard’s T. H. Chan School of Public Health found earlier this month that Moderna’s coronavirus vaccine is slightly more effective than Pfizer’s at preventing negative Covid-19 outcomes.

BWH Researchers Launch First-Ever Human Trial for Alzheimer’s Nasal Vaccine

Brigham and Women’s Hospital will begin treating patients this week in the first human trial for a nasal vaccine to prevent and slow Alzheimer’s disease.

HMS Office for Community-Centered Medical Education Receives $150,000 Donation

Harvard Medical School received a $150,000 donation on Nov. 19 to support the current development of an office for community-centered medical education.

HSPH Announces Collaboration with Tsinghua Vanke School of Public Health in China

Harvard’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health announced a new academic and research collaboration with Tsinghua University’s Vanke School of Public Health in Beijing in a press release on Wednesday.

‘A Hard Stop’: How Harvard’s Dental School Graduated Every Student Despite a Pandemic Shutdown

Dental School faculty worked "day and night" to ensure students stayed afloat with limited clinical instruction.

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