Crimson staff writer

Josie F. Abugov

Associate Editor Josie F. Abugov can be reached at

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Most Chill: Anil Bradley

“I don’t really need to worry,” Bradley says. “I’m more concerned about enjoying myself, getting my sleep, going to the gym.”

A Better Case for Affirmative Action

What — and who — is affirmative action really for?

Diversity Poster

Weed Entrepreneur Kizzy Kee Has High Hopes

For Kee, one of the most rewarding aspects of Toke N Paint has been seeing guests’ surprising creativity in such a low-stakes environment.

The Poet Above the Dining Hall

On the floor above the Kirkland Dining Hall, in a room I never knew existed, Kevin B. Holden ’05 lives in a suite with a view of the House’s main courtyard. He is not the first poet to occupy the room — a plaque on the door recognizes Elizabeth Bishop’s stay in the same apartment in the 1970s. He has resided in it for the past seven years, when he returned to the University as a Kirkland House Writer-in-Residence.

Rules and Guidelines for Harvard Situationships

In the name of preserving their independence while having casual sex, the most daring Harvard students enter agreements known as “situationships,” which are nowhere near the commitment of a relationship — God forbid! — but are way too involved to just be a “regular hookup.”

Cornel West and the ‘True Harvard’

This past year, Harvard refused to even consider Cornel R. West '74 — a towering Black intellectual figure who had been tenured at Harvard nearly 30 years before — for tenure. West's 50-year relationship with the University forces us to ask what, exactly, constitutes the “True Harvard”: prestige, endowment returns, a sprawling administration — or those who seek earnest dialogue and speak truth to power, the so-called “undisciplinables”?

Twenty Minutes in My Empty Mind

Over the past year, during the months living in my childhood bedroom, I often found myself taking aimless drives – canyon, freeway, shortcut to nowhere – discovering and rediscovering my favorite music. It is the only place where a spontaneous two-hour drive feels less like a chore and more like a gift.

The Sky's the Limit for Asa Akira

Whether porn reflects existing racial stereotypes or creates a monster of its own is a classic chicken-or-the-egg question. Porn and racism, most likely, engender a mutually reinforcing cycle. But Akira’s individual responsibility within this cycle is, at most, ambiguous.

In the Weeds

In 2018, Massachusetts created a program to support cannabis entrepreneurs whose businesses will benefit communities disproportionately affected by the War on Drugs. Bitter disputes over the policy's implementation in Cambridge have since raised questions about what, exactly, equity and reparations should look like.