Crimson staff writer

Kelsey Chen

Latest Content

‘A Long Petal of the Sea’: Another Long Tale of Gut-Wrenching Events

Well-known for her critically acclaimed novel “The House of the Spirits,” Isabel Allende is back with another novel spanning an impressively large geography.

The Universe Began With a Breath Being Held: Ted Chiang’s ‘Exhalation’

Chiang’s nine short works explore the fundamental and most salient questions about the human condition and what it means to exist.

Charles Yu’s ‘Interior Chinatown’ Delivers A Political Message You Need to Hear

Yu’s text is an overwhelming work of brilliance cuts to the core of not just what it means to be Asian in America, but what is means to be Not White in America.

What the Hell Happened: Kanye Sends His Crocs to Private School

Kanye’s new Yeezy foam runners, which he recently announced, are an objective atrocity.

A Scathing Criticism of Chinese Authoritarianism: ‘China Dream’

A chilling dystopian novel, “China Dream” will leave you breathless and shaken.


When it heals, the blood is still trapped under skin. Buried.


Renee Nault on “The Handmaid’s Tale” Graphic Novel and Her Creative Process

In Renee Nault’s graphic rendition of “The Handmaid’s Tale” by Margaret Atwood, graceful watercolor forms glide across soft panels.

Maria Popova on the ‘Figuring’ of a Beautiful Life

Popova’s message is one of pure fascination and appreciation for the ephemeral and ecological natures of our lives.

Fractal Figurations

There’s something distinctly voyeuristic about watching the ocean move, the waves lap at the shore in a show of intimacy beyond what I am capable.