Crimson staff writer
Lucas Ward
Staff writer Lucas Ward can be reached at lucas.ward@thecrimson.com. Follow him on Twitter @lucaspfward.
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New Harvard Student Campaign Calls on University to Divest From Prisons
The group wants to sever Harvard's "financial ties to the prison-industrial complex by advocating for... total divestment from all corporations whose existence depends on the capture, caging, and control of human beings."
Harvard Returns 10 Percent on Endowment ‘With Much Work Ahead’
The returns, bringing the endowment's total value to $39.2 billion, mark an improvement from last year’s return of 8.1 percent and a serious turn-around from the loss of $2 billion in fiscal year 2016.
Harvard Investment in Brazil Tangled in Landholding Dispute
A University investment in Brazilian farmland could face a lawsuit as prosecutors review allegations that a Harvard-linked company does not rightfully own the land.
Harvard to Invest $300 Million in Credit Fund
The money will come from Harvard’s endowment; the Boston firm slated to receive the millions dollar-strong backing from the University is Evolution Credit Partners.
Harvard Sold ProShares Before Market Dip
Harvard Management Company sold shares of “ProShares Short VIX Short-Term Futures” valued at $11.3 million in the fourth quarter of 2017 ahead of a dramatic market dip.
Alumni Write to Bacow Urging New HMC Investment Strategy
Instead of using hedge funds to manage its money, the University should shift half of its $37.1 billion endowment into lower-cost funds tracking the S&P 500, the letter’s signatories argued.
Gupta, Hall Leave Harvard Management Company
Executives Geetanjali Gupta ’00 and Richard L. Hall ’90 will both leave Harvard Management Company in February, on the heels of a year of significant restructuring at HMC.
IOP Youth Poll Finds Pessimistic Views
“The fear that is present in this poll could fuel the upending of the Washington establishment as we know it,” said John Della Volpe, director of polling at Harvard University’s Institute of Politics.
Kennedy School Completes Campus Renovations
The $126 million construction project, underway since late 2015, included several new buildings added to the center of campus.
Former Time Mag. Managing Editor Warns of Overly Critical Journalism
“I think journalists are attracted to this profession because we believe in its accountability,” Gibbs said, “but I think that attitude may foster a bias against the positive.”