Contributing opinion writer

Siobhan S. McDonough

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Academic Worries

Study abroad can catalyze a renewed appreciation of Harvard.

Kineticism and Rest

That’s what makes study abroad special: it’s kinetic, but it gives you time to stand still.

​Why Wonder?

Wonder—and the beauty and community which bring it about—might not be what Harvard students want, but it is what we need.


My patriotism doesn’t match my passport. I may be cosmopolitan, but above that: I’m Scottish.

​Golden Apples and Chocolate Buttons

I imagine, when it comes to myth and fairytale, the most ordinary of ordinary people has as much a right to speak as an expert. So as a child of (mostly) the West, all I know is that in fairy tales, things come in groups of three:

How I Met My Roommate

Wonder is a beautiful thing—a deeply human thing. And if you look, you can find it anywhere—even in ordinary situations, and even at Harvard.