Crimson staff writer
Jamie C. Stewart
Latest Content
Kanye and Dante
Taken literally, Kanye received his taste of fame, and fell into the pits of hell, indulging in beautiful dark twisted fantasies; and now he leaves and reflects, reaching a subjective purgatory.
Honesty is Painful
This is the most important lesson I’ve learned about myself as a writer: I don’t like to push the hot button.
Speak Before You Think
If you are always monitoring your speech, you are never truly saying anything.
Vulnerability and Communion
It’s one thing to be vulnerable with someone, and a whole other thing to be vulnerable every day, with everyone.
Bean Boots and Self Expression
As I try to make sense of my disdain for Bean boots, I’m realizing that there is a paradox with fashion as self-expression.
American Kryptonite and Superman's Fall
When Cam scores a touchdown and hits the superman he literally becomes superhuman, transcending the unintentional conditions of racism in America.