
Sidni M. Frederick

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When the Apolitical is No Longer Enough

As the Trump administration stakes out a new national stance toward climate change, Harvard must shift its own stance in response. Now, more than ever, it is imperative for Harvard to end its financial support of the fossil fuel industry.

Element 8: Boron

Atomic Number: 5. Chemical Symbol: B. A solid metalloid found in the Earth’s crust. Unremarkable, except for the fact that high concentrations have been detected in recent issues of the Harvard Lampoon, a semi-secret Sorento Square organization that used to publish a so called humor magazine.

Blue Bottle Coffee Site

40 Bow Street, the future site of Blue Bottle Coffee’s Harvard Square location.

"We Will Resist"

Protestors march down Mount Auburn Street to demonstrate against members of President-elect Donald Trump's administration speaking on campus.

"You Can't Normalize White Supremacy"

Attendees listen to a speaker during a protest against Trump administration members speaking on campus Wednesday.

Derek K. Choi '18

Derek K. Choi '18 will lead the 144th Guard of The Harvard Crimson.

Students of Color in the 2016 Elections

Students in Spanish 126: Performing Latinidad process through the yard on Monday as a part of a performance piece exploring experiences of Latinos in the United States. The procession made stops around Harvard Yard for a poetry reading, a coordinated spoken word piece, and other acted performances commenting on anti-Latino discourse in the 2016 presidential election.

Danielle Allen on "Waking Up"

Safra Center for Ethics Director Danielle S. Allen read from her op-ed published in the Washington Post today in reflection on the recent presidential election. She spoke at a Mahindra Center event where fellow scholars Jill Lepore and David I. Laibson ’88 also shared their takes on Trump’s election.

Harvard Dems Headquarters

Noah R. Wagner '18 stands in Ticknor Lounge, the impromptu headquarters of the Harvard Democrats on Tuesday.