Contributing writer

Eudora L Olsen

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Artist Spotlight: Reylon A. Yount '16

Reylon A. Yount ’16 has played a Chinese instrument called the yangqin since the third grade. "After this performance [with the Reno Philharmonic], I feel really inspired," he says.

Allston Education Portal Exhibits Contrasting Painters

“If we don’t take risks then we never learn,” Lee says. “I feel like I’ve learned more from my mistakes than my successes. That’s why I try so many different techniques.”

Drake Opens Up and Gets Down

“Nothing Was The Same” is a raw portrayal of Drake he’s never shown before, despite the obnoxious insertion of a few crowd-pleasing hits. Drake’s never been this honest, and frankly, it’s refreshing. The rapper is finally rapping on topics other than being a rapper.

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