Crimson staff writer

Jessica C. Salley

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Radcliffe Union of Students

In 2006, members of the Radcliffe Union of Students joined local pro-choice activists in a walk to the Massachusetts State House to rally against Congress' slash of funding for women's health initiatives.

On Year Later: Boston Marathon Bombings

Tuesday April 15 marks the one year anniversary of the bombings at the Boston Marathon.


Ginny C. Fahs ‘14 and Mark R. Jahnke ‘13 embrace at a reception held for the Harvard College Marathon Challenge participants in Quincy Junior Common Room on Monday evening. Both runners, who walked back to Harvard’s campus, had made it past the 26-mile mark when authorities closed the route due to detonation of two bombs at the finish line.

Upstairs on the Square

The upscale bar and restaurant Upstairs on the Square in Winthrop Square, which occupied its current location since 2002, recently closed.

In Annenberg

Dean of Undergraduate Education Jay M. Harris addresses evacuated students in Annenberg Hall Monday morning after unconfirmed reports of explosives in four campus buildings.

Double Down

John A. Heilemann, New York Magazine journalist and author of Game Change and Double Down, speaks about covering the 2012 presidential campaign at the JFK Jr. Forum on Monday. Along with along with co-writer Mark Halperin, Heilemann answered questions from moderator Joe Klein and audience members about life on the trail and offered predictions for the 2016 elections.

Today in Photos (12/03/2013)

Today in Photos (12/03/2013)

Upstairs on the Square to Close

A woman scans the menu at Upstairs on the Square on Winthrop St. The upscale bar and restaurant, which has occupied its current location since 2002, will close its doors at the end of the year.