Crimson staff writer

Stephanie B. Garlock

Latest Content

Marriage: Elizabeth P. Bronshteyn ’13 and Berel Bronshteyn

Just after Elizabeth returned from a semester abroad in the Czech Republic last fall, the couple went to a Build-a-Bear Workshop in Manhattan and made a teddy bear. They named it “Bliz”—a combination of their two names.

Old Leverett Will Be Next in House Renovations

Leverett House’s McKinlock Hall will be the second dorm to undergo renovation as part of the College’s House Renewal project, following the completion of construction on Old Quincy in the 2012-3 school year.

We're on a Boat?

Who needs an Allston campus when we have the Charles River?

Alan Khazei To Drop Out of Senate Race

Once seen as a front-runner in the Democratic primary for Massachusetts’ U.S. Senate seat, social entrepreneur Alan A. Khazei ’83 will withdraw from the race.

Administrators Differ on Views of Freshman Pledge

Three top Harvard administrators struck discordant tones Sunday night while reflecting on the controversial freshman values pledge during an Undergraduate Council forum.

Harvard Reviews Policies on Sexual Assault

Harvard is currently undergoing a review of the sexual assault policies in place across the University’s different schools.

Student Role on Assault Delayed

Although the University had recently appointed student representatives to a special committee to review the sexual misconduct policies of the Office of Sexual Assault Prevention and Response, it has now decided to postpone soliciting student input in this process.

Registrar Looks at Study Cards

The Faculty of Arts and Sciences’ Registrar’s Office is currently working on a proposal to radically overhaul the school’s online student information system, giving hope to the perennial Undergraduate Council campaign promise that students will be able to submit their study cards electronically.

Senior Committee for Class of 2012 Decided

“I’m still kind of in shock that I won,” said Rea, who will now join Cao on the Committee.

To Combat Underage Drinking, Yale Tightens ID Rules for The Game

At this year’s iteration of The Game, Harvard students who have come to look forward to laxer tailgating regulations in New Haven will have to adjust to the reality of new rules put in place by Yale that seek to crack down on underage drinking.