
Evan T.R. Rosenman

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The Upside of Hating Harvard

We convince ourselves that the problem isn’t with our day-to-day lives—it’s with how we are looking at them. We tell ourselves that we love Harvard. We lie.

A Little Piece of Peace

There’s something about the Garage Starbucks that just works for me.

A Spendthrift Rift

To me, these expenses were more than a waste of money—they were conspicuous consumption, evidence of a misplaced value on extravagance. But, I wondered, couldn’t my roommate level the same criticism at me, with my habitual venti chai lattes?

Sackler Museum's Future Uncertain After Fogg Renovation

The Arthur M. Sackler Museum faces an uncertain future as renovations of the Fogg Art Museum near completion, slated for late 2013.

After a Decade, the Sackler Finally Opens Its Doors

When the Arthur M. Sackler Art Museum opened its doors in October 1985, many involved in the project dubbed its completion “The Miracle on Quincy Street.”

SEAS Sees 12% Increase in Concentrators

With the concentrations for the class of 2013 officially declared and tallied, the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences has seen a 12-percent bump in its total concentrators, continuing a three-year growth trend.

SEAS Struggles to Attract Minority Students

The number of undergraduate concentrators in the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences has grown rapidly over the past three years, rising by more than 39 percent over that period.

Biomedical Engineering Concentration Draws SEAS Students

The new undergraduate concentration in biomedical engineering may attract a large number of students when sophomores declare their concentrations next month.

SEAS Group Wins National Science Foundation Grant

A team of computer scientists and education researchers at SEAS has been awarded a three-year, $2.3 million grant from the National Science Foundation.