Crimson staff writer
Elias J. Groll
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Michael Beckham and Sarah Godfrey
Sarah C. Godfrey first met J. Michael Beckham ’12 in the fourth grade.that day she went home from school and told her grandmother, “I’m going to marry Michael Beckham.”
Down in the concrete, the linotype machine Model 8, No. 47944 manufactured by the Mergenthaler Linotype Co. will still bear the marks of the anonymous workers, engineers, and draftsmen who once rolled that proud machine off of a factory floor in New York.
Delegate Counting
With no defining narrative emerging out of Tuesday’s Republican debate, the time is long past to start looking long and hard at the delegate math of this year’s primary.
Brian and George
In the basement of the Crimson sit a set of refurbished and aging Goss community presses: for anyone with a nostalgia for newspapers, they’re beautiful machines.
'Justice' Exam Blue Books Stolen From TF
Several final exam blue books from Government Professor Michael J. Sandel’s mega-course “Ethical Reasoning 22: Justice” were stolen from a teaching fellow’s car earlier this week, forcing some students to retake the exam or settle for a grade based on their previous work in the course.
Harvard Corporation Pushes for Donation Disclosure
Over the past year, the Harvard Corporation voted on 26 shareholder proposals from companies in which the University holds stock, including voting to make several energy companies adopt goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and taking a stand in favor of public disclosure of corporate political contributions.
Harvard Provost Steven Hyman To Step Down
After serving 10 years as the University’s top academic officer, University Provost Steven E. Hyman will step down at the end of this academic year.
Harvard Corporation Overhauls Governing Structure
The Harvard Corporation—the University’s highest governing body—announced on Monday an overhaul to its governance structure that would nearly double its membership and impose term limits.
Harvard Corporation Announces Historic Overhaul to Governance Structure
The Harvard Corporation—the University’s highest governing body—announced today an overhaul to its governance structure that would nearly double its membership and impose term limits.