
Peter Y. Solmssen

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Operatic Hors-d'oeuvres

O PERA SOMETIMES SEEMS a forbidding spectacle to people who are not familiar with it. Locked away in enormous halls,

Music 180 Takes Over

L AST YEAR's Music 180 class had some of the best musicians at Harvard. The Bach Society has begun to

Amtrak Fears Holiday Crush; Buses Report Ample Capacity

Travelers depending on trains to get home for Christmas vacation should expect a "very severe" crowding problem, an Amtrak official

A Slick Ship Pinafore

G ILBERT AND SULLIVAN'S operetta H.M.S. Pinafore has been done countless times by many different kinds of companies. Although the

Cheap Trills

T HE KIRKLAND HOUSE Music Society is importing ringers--making their concerts of chamber music the best 99-cent bargain in town.

New, Improved Shakespeare

T HE ORIGINAL PERICLES is a bad play. It is the syrupy-sweet story of "the paynfull adventures of a Gentleman