Contributing writer

Miranda K. Lippold-johnson

Latest Content

July 2009

JULY 2009: The arrest of Prof. Henry Louis “Skip” Gates Jr. by a Cambridge police officer becomes the cause of a national debate on racial profiling.

These freshman roommates in Weld all hail from different parts of the Western Hemisphere. Between the six of them, they speak at least seven different languages.

Esther Chung '14, Medha-Kameswari Gargeya ’14, Meghan Brooks ’14, and Sheyda Aboii ’14 reflect on their rooming assignments.

Roommates Medha-Kameswari Gargeya ’14 and Esther Chung ’14 pose in their bedroom.

A Conundrum at Cambridge Common

This sign in Cambridge Common demands a bit more interpretation than its less enigmatic counterparts.