
R. C. Floyd .

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Senior Class Notice

Seniors are reminded that the first applications for Class Day tickets at low prices close today, after which prices will

Senior Class Notice

Seniors are reminded that the time for the first applications for Class Day tickets at low rates expires on Saturday,


In view of the fact that the second Harvard Yale baseball game has been scheduled for Friday, June 23, and

Senior Class Notice

Seniors are reminded that after today the price of caps and gowns will be advanced to $5.25. Those who have

Senior Class Notice

Because of the small number of designs for Class Day Tickets which have been handed in, it has been decided

Senior Class Notice

Designs for Class Day tickets are to be definitely chosen before March 10, and it is hoped that Seniors who

Senior Cheering Notice

All Seniors should be at the field at 3 o'clock to support the class football team in the final game