
Kip Thorne, 2017 Nobel Laureate, Talks Black Holes During Inaugural Hawking Lecture

Hundreds packed Science Center Hall B to watch Kip S. Thorne, a professor of theoretical physics at Caltech and a 2017 Nobel Prize laureate, discuss black holes and wormholes during the inaugural Hawking Lecture on Friday.

Harvard Researchers and Amazon Collaborate to Launch Boston’s First Quantum Network

Harvard physicists took a giant step towards full-scale quantum internet networks this month, creating the longest quantum network so far with cables running between Boston and Cambridge.

Harvard Center for Brain Science Receives Up to $1.7 Million Gift from NTT Research

Harvard University’s Center for Brain Science received a gift of more than $300,000 per year for up to five years from the NTT Research Foundation, the foundation announced Thursday.

‘Closure of a Circle’: Harvard Professor Haim Sompolinsky Wins Brain Prize for Neuroscience Research

Harvard professor Haim Sompolinsky was named a 2024 recipient of the Brain Prize — the world’s most prestigious honor for neuroscience research — by the Lundbeck Foundation on March 5.

Harvard Physicists Create New Phase of Matter, Advance Field of Quantum Computing

A team of Harvard researchers working with the quantum computing company Quantinuum announced the creation of a new phase of matter in a research paper last month.

Harvard Center for Astrophysics to Close Wolbach Library Due to ‘Financial Considerations’

The John G. Wolbach Library — which carries one of the world’s largest astronomical collections — will shutter its doors on Friday, in a move that was “driven primarily by financial considerations,” according to an email from Harvard Center for Astrophysics Director Lisa Kewley.

Harvard, BU Physicists Create New Tool to Probe High-Pressure Superconductors

Harvard and Boston University professors developed a tool that enables researchers everywhere to make measurements of different phenomena in high-pressure environments such as earthquakes, phase transitions, and superconductors.

Physics Professor Jennifer Hoffman ’99 Shatters Women’s Transcontinental Running Record

Harvard Physics professor Jennifer E. Hoffman ’99 broke the world record for the fastest trans-America run by a woman last Friday, running more than 3,000 miles in under 48 days.

Quantum Physicist Mikhail Lukin Appointed University Professor

Quantum physicist Mikhail Lukin has been appointed a University Professor, Harvard’s highest faculty rank, the University announced Tuesday.

Harvard Researchers Verify Existence of New State of Matter, Opens Doors for Quantum Science

The state of matter, known as quantum spin liquid, has special properties that produce long-range quantum entanglement — a phenomenon in which particles’ states are connected despite spatial separation.

COVID-19 Accommodations in Classes 2

Students pack up at the end of lecture for Phys-Sci 2 in the Science Center.

LISE Building

The Laboratory for Integrated Science and Engineering facilitates research in the field of physics.

Harvard Researchers Achieve Tunable Superconductivity in Trilayer Graphene

Harvard scientists have developed a new twisted graphene configuration for achieving superconductivity that could help lead to the realization of superconductors at higher temperatures, according to a Feb. 4 paper published in Science.

Finding Ways to Move Forward: How STEM Seniors Adapted to Virtual Theses

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and shift to remote learning, many seniors studying in the STEM fields have had to redesign their thesis projects.

Astronomers Estimate Spin of Supermassive Black Hole in the Milky Way

Researchers at Harvard and Northwestern University derived the first tight limit for the spin of the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way.

Center for Astrophysics Collaborates to Study Star’s Spaghettification: Death By Black Hole

Scientists at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics collaborated to publish a paper on a star’s spaghettification, the process in which a star is ripped apart by a black hole, last Monday.

Harvard Researchers Discover Wobbling Shadow of Supermassive Black Hole

Harvard astrophysicists have discovered that the crescent-like shadow of the Messier 87 (M87*) black hole appears to be wobbling.

SEAS Researchers Invent Shape-Remembering Wool-Like Material

Researchers at the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences have invented a wool-like material that remembers shape and changes form when soaked in water.

Harvard Physicists Propose Method for Determining Black Hole Spin

A team of Harvard physicists published an article Wednesday outlining a novel method for determining the “spin” — or angular momentum — of a black hole.

Harvard Astrophysicists Detect Binary White Dwarf System Generating Gravitational Waves

Researchers at the Harvard and Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics discovered a pair of white dwarf stars that orbit each other and produce gravitational waves — the first wave source of this type ever found.

Harvard Physicists Refine Images of Black Hole

A team led by scientists at the Harvard Black Hole Initiative published an article Wednesday outlining a method to simulate sharper images of a black hole.

Brian Greene Talks the Physics of Free Will at Science Center Lecture

Theoretical physicist and Columbia University professor Brian R. Greene ’84 emphasized humanity’s unique place in the cosmos — despite occupying a miniscule sliver of space and time — at a Science Center talk Wednesday night.

‘It’s Beautiful. It’s Wrong’: Physicist Lee Smolin Discusses ‘Einstein’s Unfinished Revolution’ in Talk

Theoretical physicist Lee Smolin explained the incomplete nature of quantum theory before a packed lecture hall in the Science Center on Wednesday evening, discussing his newest book, “Einstein’s Unfinished Revolution: The Search for What Lies Beyond the Quantum.”

Einstein's Unfinished Revolution

Lee Smolin, author of the recently released book “Einstein’s Unfinished Revolution”, gives a talk on Wednesday evening in the Science Center. His book discusses Einstein’s quantum mechanics and its limitations on our understanding of the world.

Physicist Sylvester J. Gates, Jr. Discusses History of Relativity At Harvard

The conversation — which was moderated by Harvard physics graduate student Delilah E. A. Gates — promoted the book “Proving Einstein Right,” co-authored by Sylvester Gates and novelist Cathie Pelletier.

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